Strangers Holding Hands (or What to Do When Happy Hour Isn't Enough)
If you have a friend who you know loves meeting new people, a 'yes' person, a friend who will disregard decorum for a good story, and if this friend is meeting you for a Thursday afternoon happy hour, then I suggest you scrap your bar chatting plans for something else entirely.My friend, Kady Hexum, is easily one of the most outgoing people on the planet. And earlier this summer I suggested that we change our happy hour plans and meet near a park. There we would introduce ourselves to strangers so that I could take pictures of her holding hands with them. What you are looking at now are the results.
It isn't actually too hard to ask people to hold hands with your friend. It helps that Kady is beautiful, kind, and can make almost anyone laugh (see first photo). Most people were totally down. We asked around 20 folks, and only one person said no. I mean, I think he said no. He slurred something in a fake accent, gave us the crazy eyes, and speed-walked away. (Note: this is an excellent way to get rid of people on the street.)Most people smiled, mentioned something about their artist family member, and asked me where to stand.
You really ought to check out Kady's blog. She's hysterical. The perfect kind of friend to drag along into perfectly uncomfortable afternoons.
PS. If you like this and you don't know Richard Renaldi, it's time.