i am not a monster and other findings
This week was officially the first week of winter. I walked down the street, turned a sunny corner and saw the snow on the mountains. Over the next couple of months it will creep right on down into town. I'm back to wearing my my mitten/glove/muv things (can someone tell me what the right term for that is?), back to throwing a scarf around my neck, back to warming up next to my slow burning heater with a cup of tea. Our main street is slow-bursting yellow. It seems over night the boulevard is all fall. And the last flower of summer is sending out it's last blooms to take in any left over warmth before the first freeze.
This week has been fairly slow. I've watched a lot of screen things. I've decided that The Big Bang Theory, besides being my new favorite show, also has the most in-awe-of-the-world inspiring theme song which fits perfectly with my renewed interest in jaw-drop inducing entertainment like Contact and Radiolab.
I have nothing else of relative significance to offer. I am sorry. But to make it up to you, here's some things I've listened to, read, or watched this week that are all much better than this blog post.
-A genius blogfriend's post on churchspeak.-A friend's repost of a much talked-about youtube video that reeks of bravery, timeliness, and importance.-A New Yorker piece on social media and activism which went well with The Cove. (Standing in a crowded thoroughfare in the rain with a tv strapped to your chest showing extremely daring footage of dolphin slaughters beats clicking 'like'.)-How is it that the cosmos delivered two stories about women and underwear (here and here) that caused me to laugh out loud in my office? Bless ya lord, bless ya.-There is of course the drama of the Chilean Miners. I watched the live feed before heading with my French volunteer friend to his French class. It's true. I'm trying to learn French. (My link here is to a friend who's news inspired idea is perfect. Take that BBC. Where's YOUR costume idea? And you thought you were cutting edge.)-And finally, oh Muppets, it's true. Sadly, I am not a monster:
I'm going to go search for some more. It's Saturday; I'm free to waste some time on the internet! Then I'm going to go home and check on the status of my chopped up persimmons that want to be jam. They've been swimming in sugar all day. Time to boil 'em up!